Current Issue 32 („2023“, 2025)(€ 30,-)
Issue 32 (2023, 2025) (€ 30,-)
1-7 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Cyptotrama borbonica Hauskn. & Krisai, spec. nova (Physalacriaceae). pdf-open access (published online 8, January 2025) |
work in progress | ||
Current Issue 31 („2022“, 2024)(€ 30,-)
Issue 31 (2022, 2024) (€ 30,-)
1-20 | Berger, F., Breuss, O. | New and remarkable lichen finds in Burgenland (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
7-37 | Berger, F., Zimmermann, E. | Further records of lichenicolous fungi in Burgenland (Austria). abstract pay-pdf (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
11-62 | Berger, F., Breuss, O., Lőkös, L. | Lichen checklist of Burgenland (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
23-71 | Breuss, O., Traun, G. | Lichens in the Pötzleinsdorfer Schlosspark in Vienna (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
73-79 | Yazıcı, K., Aptroot, A., Aslan, A., | Circinaria scabridula, Sarcogyne arenosa and Sarcogyne algoviae – Three rare new lichen records for Turkey and Asia. abstract pay-pdf (published online 28, December 2023) |
81-87 | Plsek, K., Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Friebes, G. | 100 Jahre Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft. abstract pay-pdf (published online 28, December 2023) (in German) |
89-97 | Acar, İ., Kalmer, A., Dizkirici, A. | Confirmation of Hebeloma salicicola (Basidiomycota) from Türkiye. abstract pay-pdf (published online 3, January 2024) |
99-104 | Breuss, O. | A new Polyblastia species (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Slovenia. pdf-open access (published online 11, February 2024) |
105-148 | Hausknecht, A., Hausknecht, I. | Mykologische Eindrücke aus Ländern außerhalb Europas 2: Ozeanien – Cook Islands, Fidschi, Vanuatu. abstract pay-pdf (published online 4, May 2024) |
149-168 | Berger, F., Türk, R. | Erstnachweise und weitere erwähnenswerte Arten von Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen aus verschiedenen österreichischen Bundesländern pdf-open access (published online 5, August 2024) |
169–176 | Stephenson, S. L., Rollins, A.W., Schnittler, M., Moreno, G., Villaba, A. L. | First records of nivicolous myxomycetes from the central Appalachian Mountains, eastern North America. abstract pay-pdf (published online 5, September 2024) |
177-182 | Breuss, O. | Lichens in the park cemetary Sankt Marx in Vienna (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 6, September 2024)(in German) |
183-187 | Yazici, K., Engin, T. A. | Parabagliettoa disjuncta and Rinodina parvula – two new lichen species for Türkiye and Asia. abstract pay-pdf (published online 19, November 2024) |
189-197 | Berger, F., Breuss, O. | 70 in one go – Lichen inventory of a fir tree in the Dürrenstein Wilderness Area (Lower Austria). pdf-open access (published online 17, December 2024) (in German) |
199-200 | New taxa proposed in this issue, Instructions to Authors | |
201 | Contents |
Contents of published issues (Price)
Work in Progress (Abstracts, Translation)
Issue 1 (1992) (€ 5,-)
1 | Moser, M. | Zum Geleit! |
3-10 | Mader, K., Mader, A. | Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der sternsporigen Hypogäen |
11-17 | Hausknecht, A., Kuyper, T.W. | Ein seltener Blätterpilz auf alten Weinfässern |
19-59 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Xerocomus chrysenteron und ähnlich aussehende Röhrlinge |
61-69 | Hausknecht, A. | Fundliste der 20. Mykologischen Dreiländertagung in Korneuburg 1990 |
Issue 2 (1993) (out of print)
1-5 | Palmer, J.T. | Lanzia echinophila and two further species of Sclerotiniaceae on oak cupules: a tale from the Viennese Woods |
7-10 | Breuss, O. | Zwei neue Flechtenarten aus der Türkei |
11-14 | Wölfel, G., Winterhoff, W. | Entoloma jahnii, ein neuer Holzbewohner |
15-18 | Maas-Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | Hydropus nitens, a new species from Austria |
19-32 | Dämon, W. | Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde aus einem Silberweidenauwald an der Saalach (bei Salzburg) |
33-43 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 1. Pholiotina subnuda and Conocybe hexagonospora |
45-96 | Noordeloos, M.E., Hausknecht, A. | Die Gattung Entoloma in Ostösterreich |
97-107 | Rücker, T., Scheuer, C., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Hausknecht, A. | Fundliste des Mykologischen Nationalparkworkshops in Hollersbach 1992 |
109-112 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 3 (1994) (out of print)
1-3 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Zur Typusdiskussion des Boletinus cavipes |
5-8 | Maas Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | Mycena dura, a new species of sect. Calodontes subsect. Purae from Austria |
9-14 | Mader, K., Mader, A. | Zur Kenntnis von Hymenogaster remyi (Typus, Vergleich mit neuen Funden, Primordialentwicklung) |
15-20 | Breuss, O. | Über einige wenig bekannte Verrucaria-Arten (Lichenes, Verrucariaceae) |
21-24 | Etayo, J., Breuss, O. | Placidiopsis cavicola, a new lichen species (Verrucariaceae) from the Pyrenees |
25-28 | Noordeloos, M.E., Hausknecht, A., Zuccherelli, A. | Entoloma cettoi, eine neue Art aus Italien |
29-39 | Noordeloos, M.E. | Studies in Entoloma 14. Some new species and new records |
41-70 | Palmer, J.T., Tortic, M., Matocec, N. | Sclerotiniaceae (Discomycetes) collected in the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia |
71-76 | Voglmayr, H. | Limnoperdon incarnatum, ein aero-aquatischer Pilz neu für Europa |
77-85 | Häffner, J., Benkert, D., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Humaria aurantia, ein seltener und auffälliger Discomycet des Auwaldes |
87-93 | Altés, A., Moreno, G., Hausknecht, A. | Two interesting species of Tulostoma from the Mediterranean Basin |
95-100 | Lohmeyer, T.R., Christan, J., Gruber, O. | Ein Nachweis von Pluteus variabilicolor in Oberösterreich |
101-112 | Moser, M.M. | Beobachtungen zur Gattung Kuehneromyces Singer & Smith |
113-134 | Kovacs, G. | Der Schwefelporling, Laetiporus sulphureus, und die elektrophoretischen Enzymmuster seiner Fruchtkörper |
135-136 | Hausknecht, A. | Rolf Singer und die Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft |
137-146 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 4 (1995) (out of print)
1-9 | Huhtinen, S., Scheuer, C. | Helotium separabile – a species of Phialina on Rubus |
11-33 | Mrazek, E., Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Bemerkenswerte epigäische Gasteromyzeten-Funde aus Österreich |
35-49 | Dämon, W. | Drei seltene Basidiomyzeten mit violetten Farbtönen aus einem Salzburger Feuchtgebiet |
51-54 | Maas Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | Mycena pallescens, a new species of sect. Fragilipedes from La Réunion |
55-79 | Dämon, W. | Weitere bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde aus einem Silberweidenauwald an der Saalach (bei Salzburg) |
81-93 | Palmer, J.T. | Myrioconium Spermodochidien auf Eriophorum |
95-106 | Moser, M. | Some interesting Cortinarii from Upper Austria |
107-117 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 2. Die Variabilität von Conocybe dumetorum |
119-136 | Noordeloos, M.E., Wölfel, G., Hausknecht, A. | Über neue, kritische oder seltene Rötlinge aus dem östlichen Österreich |
137-145 | Breuss, O. | Bemerkungen zur Sektion Polyrhizion der Flechtengattung Dermatocarpon (Verrucariaceae) |
147-164 | Schüssler, J., Schüssler, R., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Fundliste der 23. Mykologischen Dreiländertagung in Ebensee 1994 |
165-170 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 5 (1996) (€ 8,-)
1-21 | Scheuer, C. | Neuere Funde von Arthrinium-Arten (Hyphomycetes, Fungi imperfecti) aus Österreich |
23-49 | Voglmayr, H. | Spores of Ingoldian fungi in two Austrian rivulets |
51-63 | Kowalski, T. | Oak decline II. Fungi associated with various types of lesions on stems and branches of young oaks (Quercus robur) |
65-94 | Breuss, O. | Revision der Flechtengattung Placidiopsis (Verrucariaceae) |
95-129 | Dämon, W. | Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde aus dem Schwingrasen-Moorwald am Krotensee (Gmunden, Oberösterreich) |
131-148 | Örstadius, L., Huhtinen, S. | The psathyrelloid taxa described by P. A. Karsten |
149-159 | Etayo, J. | Contribution to the lichen flora of the Canary Islands. II. Epiphytic lichens from La Palma |
161-202 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 3. Europäische Conocybe-Arten mit wurzelndem oder tief im Substrat eingesenktem Stiel |
203-210 | Rücker, T. | Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde aus dem Stadtgebiet von Salzburg |
211-231 | Hafellner, J., Türk, R., Breuss, O. | Zur Flechtenflora des Wechsel (Österreich) |
233-236 | Hausknecht, A., Noordeloos, M.E. | Marasmiellus pachycraspedum var. pseudoramealis, ein neues Taxon aus Mittel- und Südeuropa |
237-243 | Maas Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | Two new species of Mycena from La Réunion (France, Africa) |
245-272 | Meusers, M. | Schlüssel für europäische Arten der Gattungen Conocybe und Pholiotina |
273-275 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 6 (1997) (out of print)
1-5 | Huhtinen, S., Söderholm, U. | Cistella spicicola (Hyaloscyphaceae, Leotiales), a new species on Lycopodium |
7-16 | Palmer, J.T. | Some rare fungi from the Attergau area, Upper Austria |
17-22 | Peintner, U., Pöder, R. | Cordyceps michiganensis, eine in Europa bisher unbekannte Kernkeule |
23-33 | Wölfel, G., Noordeloos, M.E. | Entoloma triste und nahe verwandte Arten |
35-44 | Hausknecht, A., Passauer, U. | Was ist Agaricus siligineus im Sinne von Fries? |
45-49 | Jaklitsch, W.M., Barr, M.E. | Dictyoporthe bipapillata – a new combination and a key to the species of Dictyoporthe |
51-54 | Kuyper, T.W., Hausknecht, A. | Omphalina luteopallida, eine neue Art aus Österreich |
55-59 | Watling, R., Hausknecht, A. | Conocybe anthuriae, a new volvate species from Mauritius (Africa) |
61-66 | Voglmayr, H., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Akenomyces costatus, an interesting basidiomycetous anamorph with unknown affinities |
67-70 | Esteve-Raventós, F., Villarreal, M. | Mycena quercophila, a new species of Mycena section Polyadelphia growing on Quercus ilex leaves |
71-89 | Idzerda, S., Noordeloos, M.E. | Studies in Lactarius sect. Tabidi |
91-129 | Dämon, W. | Corticioide Basidienpilze Österreichs I |
131-134 | Kuyper, T.W., Arnolds, E., Keizer, P.-J. | Omphalina praticola, eine neue Art aus den Niederlanden |
135-153 | Hahn, C. | Studien zur Gattung Leccinum 1. Vergleich von Leccinum oxydabile and L. variicolor |
155-180 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Scheuer, C., Hausknecht, A. | Ergebnisse des Mykologischen Arbeitstreffens in Sibratsgfäll (Vorarlberg) vom 31.8.-6.9.1995 |
181-210 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Klofac, W. | Die Gattung Hydropus in Österreich |
211-219 | Christan, J., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Voglmayr, H. | Ramaria bataillei versus Ramaria testaceoflava |
221-222 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Die Autographen von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rolf Singer in Linz |
223-232 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 7 (1998) (out of print)
1-12 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Conocybe spinulosa, a new species of Conocybe subg. Ochromarasmius from Tanzania |
13-24 | Kowalski, T., Gajosek, M. | Endophytic mycobiota in stems and branches of Betula pendula to a different degree affected by air pollution |
25-27 | Contu, M. | Further notes on Lepista ameliae |
29-32 | Moreno, G., Heykoop, M. | Mycena cistophila, a new mediterranean species from Spain |
33-37 | Ladurner, H., Pöder, R. | „Litmus cystidia“: on the strange chemical behaviour of cystidial contents in some Suillus species |
39-63 | Benkert, D. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis bryophiler Pezizales-Arten. Viersporige Taxa der Gattung Octospora |
65-90 | Berger, F., Etayo, J. | Beiträge zur Flechtenflora der Kanarischen Inseln V. Saxicole und muscicole Arten von der Insel La Palma |
91-121 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 4. Die Sektion Candidae und andere hellhütige Arten der Gattung Conocybe |
123-128 | Maas Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | Two striking Mycenas from the Southern Hemisphere |
129-133 | Kreisel, H., Hausknecht, A. | Lycoperdon frigidum und Calvatia arctica, neu für Ostösterreich |
135-189 | Dämon, W. | Corticoide Basidienpilze Österreichs 2 |
191-201 | Kirisits, T. | Pathogenicity of three blue-stain fungi associated with the bark beetle Ips typographus to Norway spruce in Austria |
203-213 | Etayo, J., Breuss, O. | New species and interesting records of lichenicolous fungi |
215-225 | Kreisel, H. | Die Gattungen Calvatia und Handkea in Europa und der Arktis |
227-261 | Noordeloos, M.E., Hausknecht, A. | Rezente Rötlingsfunde aus Österreich und Italien |
263-268 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Noordeloos, M.E. | Rhodocybe tilliii, a conchate new species found in Austria |
269-273 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 8 (1999) (€ 8,-)
1-3 | Maas Geesteranus, R.A., Hausknecht, A. | A new Mycena of sect. Hiemales from La Réunion (France, Africa) |
5-8 | Moser, M., Peintner, U., Klofac, W. | Observations on the occurrence of Rhizopogon pannosum in Austria |
9-13 | Moreno, G., Heykoop, M., Romero de la Osa, L. | Mycena gladiocystis, a rare foliicolous species growing on Quercus ilex |
15-34 | Villarreal, M., Esteve-Raventós, F. | Mycena conicoalba, a new corticolous species from Spain |
35-61 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 5. Die Conocybe rickeniana und C. magnicapitata-Gruppe in Europa |
63-70 | Illana, C., Moreno, G., Lizárraga, M., Castillo, A. | Hemitrichia pseudoleiocarpa, spec. nova, a species confused with Arcyria leiocarpa (Myxomycetes) |
71-82 | Baral, H.O., Marquez, R.G., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Matocec, N. | Tatraea dumbirensis, new records of a rare leotialean discomycete in Europe |
83-123 | Peintner, U., Kirchmair, M., Moser, M., Pöder, R., Ladurner, H. | Ergebnisse der 26. Mykologischen Dreiländertagung in Rotholz-Jenbach (Tirol) vom 29. August bis 5. September 1998 |
125-138 | Wölfel, G., Hausknecht, A. | On some recent Entoloma records from New Zealand and Cook Islands |
139-147 | Læssøe, T., Granmo, A., Scheuer, C. | Biscogniauxia granmoi (Xylariaceae) in Europe |
149-152 | Hausknecht, A. | Entoloma noordeloosi, eine neue Art der Sektion Rhodopolia aus Österreich |
153-155 | Hausknecht, A., Zuccherelli, A. | Porpoloma juncicola, eine neue Art aus Ravenna (Italien) |
157-167 | Kirisits, T., Anglberger, H. | Report on a stream of the pathogenic blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica with low virulence |
169-198 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W., Jaklitsch, W., Dämon, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Ergebnisse des Mykologischen Arbeitstreffens in Gamlitz (Südsteiermark) im September 1996 |
199-221 | Hausknecht, A., Noordeloos, M.E. | Neue oder seltene Arten der Entolomataceae (Agaricales) aus Mittel- und Südeuropa |
223 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
225-228 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 9 (2000) (€ 8,-)
1-10 | Neuwirth, G. | Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis der epilithischen Flechtenflora im Stadtgebiet von Ried im Innkreis (Oberösterreich) |
11-15 | Ladurner, H., Pöder, R. | A new hyphal type found in Xerocomus pruinatus |
17-22 | Moser, M., Peintner, U. | Rhizopogon pannosus – Rhizopogon pumilionus? |
23-26 | Villarreal, M., Esteve-Raventós, F. | Mycena roseoquercina, a new foliicolous species of Quercus ilex |
27-30 | Boom, P.P.G. van den, Vezda, A. | Gyalideopsis helvetica, a new lichen species from Central Europe |
31-66 | Hausknecht A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Rüblinge, Schwindlinge und verwandte Taxa in Ostösterreich |
67-72 | Halmschlager, E., Kowalski, T. | Ticogloea guttulata – the first record from oak and the third report world-wide |
73-109 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 6. Die Conocybe tenera-Gruppe in Europa, Teil 1 |
111-114 | Antonín, V. | The first European record of Xeromphalina campanelloides (Tricholomataceae) from Austria |
115-123 | Christan, J. | Vergleiche und Klärung zu Verwechslungen von Ramaria flava – R. obtusissima – R. schildii |
125-140 | Marvanová, L., Gulis, V.I. | Notes on aquatic hyphomycetes and streamborne spora from Austria |
141-145 | Boom, P.P.G. van den | Some interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from The Netherlands IV |
147-149 | Breuss, O. | Eine ungewöhnliche Endocarpon-Art (Lichensierte Ascomyceten, Verrucariales) aus Mexiko |
151-162 | Boom, P.P.G. van den, Etayo, J. | Contribution to the knowledge of lichenicolous fungi and lichens from Portugal and Spain |
163-190 | Hausknecht, A., Jaklitsch, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Ergebnisse des Mykologischen Arbeitstreffens in Jerischach (Südkärnten) im August/September 1998 |
191-227 | Dämon, W. | Corticioide Basidienpilze Österreichs 3 |
229-233 | Agerer, R., & al. | Open Letter to the scientific community of mycologists. Inpusts from referees requested |
235-236 | Hausknecht, A. | Kurt Mader ist tot |
237 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
239-243 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 10 (2001) (out of print)
1-13 | Huhtinen, S. | Redisposition of some taxa of Pseudolachnea, with some other transfers |
15-23 | Kreisel, H., Hausknecht, A. | Zwei neue Arten der Gasteromyceten in Europa, Handkea lloydii und Vascellum floridanum |
25-42 | Singer, H., Moreno, G., Illana, C. | Nivicolous Myxomycetes from Tyrol (Austria). II. The genus Lamproderma |
43-73 | Pidlich-Aigner, H., Hausknecht, A. | Großpilze in den Gewächshäusern des Botanischen Gartens der Universität Graz |
75-82 | Robich, G., Hausknecht, A. | Mycena mauritiana, a new species of sect. Roridae |
83-86 | Breuss, O. | Über Caloplaca canariensis (Lichenisierte Ascomyceten, Teloschistiaceae) |
87-114 | Thomas, K.A., Hausknecht, A., Manimohan, P. | Bolbitiaceae of Kerala State, India: New species and new and noteworthy records |
115-180 | Noordeloos, M.E. | Studies in Psilocybe sect. Psilocybe |
181-184 | Moser, M. | Beobachtungen zur Gattung Volvariella |
185-200 | Wölfel, G., Noordeloos, M.E. | Neue oder bemerkenswerte Entoloma-Arten der Kanarischen Inseln |
201-211 | Hausknecht, A. | Four new Conocybe taxa of Europe |
213-313 | Kreisel, H. | Checklist of the gasteral and secotioid Basidiomycetes of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East |
315-317 | Etayo, J., Breuss, O. | Endococcus incrassatus, a new lichenicolous fungus (Dothideales) |
319 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
321-326 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 11 (2002) (€ 9,-)
1-28 | Boom, P.P.G. van den, Jansen, J. | Lichens in the upper belt of the Serra de Estrela (Portugal) |
29-33 | Senn-Irlet, B., Woltsche, H. | Entoloma excentricum, eine Art mit Pleurocystiden |
35-77 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 7. Die Conocybe tenera-Gruppe, Teil 2, und eine Revision der Arten um Conocybe mesospora in Europa |
79-92 | Kutalek, R. | Ethnomykologie – eine Übersicht |
93-106 | Jaklitsch, W., Scheuer, C., Voglmayr, H. | Notes on the genus Immotthia (Pleosporales, Ascomycetes), including some type studies |
107-116 | Kowalski, T., Zych, P. | Fungi isolated from living symptomless shoots of Pinus nigra growing in different site conditions |
117-131 | Noordeloos, M., Hausknecht, A. | Weitere neue Entoloma-Arten aus Südeuropa |
133-151 | Dämon, W., Hausknecht, A. | First report of a Sirobasidium species in Austria, and a survey of the Sirobasidiaceae |
153-157 | Boom, P.P.G. van den | Some interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from The Netherlands 5 |
159-162 | Boom, P.P.G. van den | Two Lecidea species, L. meiocarpa and L. symmictella (lichenized ascomycetes) confirmed for Switzerland |
163-184 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Ergebnisse des Mykologischen Arbeitstreffens in Mondsee (Oberösterreich) im September 1999 |
185-189 | Eyssartier, G., Noordeloos, A. | Entoloma brunneoserrulatum, spec. nova. |
191-211 | Kreisel, H., Hausknecht, A. | The gasteral Basidiomycetes of Mascarenes and Seychelles |
213-264 | Horak, E., Hausknecht, A. | Notes on extra-European taxa of Bolbitiaceae (Agaricales, Basidiomycota) |
265 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
267-271 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 12 (2003) (€ 9,-)
1-11 | Ortega, A., Esteve-Raventós, F. | Taxonomic studies on Iberian Cortinarius: some Telamonia species with pelargonium smell and comments on C. sertipes f. contrarius |
13-21 | Singer, H., Moreno, G., Illana, C., Sánchez, A. | Lamproderma retirugisporum spec. nova, a misinterpreted species of the Myxomycetes |
23-29 | Moreno, G., Singer, H., Illana, C. | Diderma nigrum, a synonym of Diderma asteroides (Myxomcyetes) |
31-40 | Hausknecht, A., Contu, M. | The genus Galerella. A world-wide survey |
41-83 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 9. Conocybe Sekt. Mixtae |
85-88 | Contu, M., Hausknecht, A. | A lignicolous variety of Panaeolus acuminatus from Sardinia |
89-99 | Esteve-Raventós, F., García Blanco, A., Sanz Caraso, M., Del Val, J.B. | Inocybe aurantiobrunnea and I. pseudoobata, two new mediterranean species found in the Iberian Peninsula |
101-122 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I . | Pilzbeobachtungen in einem neu geschaffenen Weidegebiet |
123-127 | Boom, P. P. G. van den | Some interesting records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from The Netherlands VI |
129-140 | Dämon, W., Hausknecht, A. | Tubulicium dussii, a corticioid basidiomycete on tree ferns, found in Europe |
141-151 | Klofac, W., Voglmayr, H. | Beobachtungen zur Gattung Sowerbyella in Österreich |
153-192 | Hausknecht, A., Jaklitsch, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Rezente Pilzfunde aus Osttirol |
193-204 | Urban, A., Mader, A. | Über Trüffelvorkommen (Tuber aestivum) im südlichen Niederösterreich: Einfluß des Niederschlags auf die Fundmenge |
205-208 | Hausknecht, A., Huhtinen, S. | Tubaria anthracophila, ein vergessenes Taxon |
209-212 | Hausknecht, A. | Erinnerungen an Meinhard M. Moser (1924-2002) |
213 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
215-216 | Buchbesprechung |
Issue 13 (2004) (€ 9,-)
1-38 | Hausknecht, A., Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Lepiotaceae (Schirmlinge) in Österreich. 1. Die Gattungen Chamaemyces, Chlorophyllum, Cystolepiota, Leucoagaricus, Leucocoprinus, Macrolepiota, Melanophyllum und Sericeomyces |
39-53 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Bemerkenswerte Russula-Funde aus Ostösterreich 1 |
55-59 | Benkert, D., Klofac, W. | Jafnea semitosta (Ascomycetes, Pezizales), ein amerikanischer Becherling offenbar erstmals in Europa |
61-74 | Moreno, G., Singer, H., Illana, C. | A taxonomic review on the nivicolous myxomycete species described by Kowalski. II. Physarales and Trichiales |
75-89 | Singer, H., Moreno, G., Illana, C. | A SEM-study of some types of nivicolous Physarales |
91-94 | Hausknecht, A., Forstinger, H. | Ein seltener Frühlings-Erlenschnitzling, Naucoria leucocnemis, in Österreich |
95-99 | Hausknecht, A. | Coprinus palmeranus – neu für Europa |
101-107 | Lukic, I., Kratky, K. W. | Fractal dimension as a tool for detection of morphological changes caused by impact of mechanical waves on mushroom mycelium |
109-118 | Karasch, P., Dämmrich, F., Dämon, W. | Beiträge zur Pilzflora der Kanaren-Insel La Palma. Bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde auf Chamaecytisus proliferus |
119-123 | Consiglio, G., Contu, M., Saar, G. | Lyophyllum pseudosinuatum spec. nova (Tricholomataceae), a new blackening species found in Italy and Germany |
125-129 | Boom, P. P. van den, Brand, A. M. | Micarea subcinerea, an additional species of the lichen flora from western Europe |
131-151 | Boom, P. P. van den | A long-term inventory of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of the Strabrechtse Heide and Lieropse Heide in Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands |
153-235 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Voglmayr, H | Type studies in North American species of Bolbitiaceae belonging to the genera Conocybe and Pholiotina |
237-265 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Ergebnisse des Mykologischen Arbeitstreffens in Horitschon (Burgenland) im September/Oktober 2001 |
267-275 | Breuss, O. | Neue Flechtenfunde, vorwiegend pyrenocarper Arten, aus Oberösterreich |
277-279 | Etayo, J., Breuss, O. | Stromatopogon geminatum spec. nova, a further lichenicolous fungus growing on Usnea |
281-294 | Breuss, O., John, V. | New and interesting records of lichens from Turkey |
295 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
297-305 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 14 (2005) (€ 18,-)
1-10 | Moreno, G., Singer, H., Illana, C. | The nivicolous myxomycetes described by Marianne Meyer, Michel Poulain and Jean Bozonnet. 1 |
11-30 | Singer, H., Moreno, G., Illana, C. | Mountainous and nivicolous myxomycetes described by Charles Meylan. A SEM-study |
31-36 | Hausknecht, A., Moreno, G., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Conocybe romagnesii, a new species of section Candidae from Spain |
37-40 | Klofac, W. | A new form of Boletus rhodopurpureus from East Austria |
41-78 | Hausknecht, A., Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Lepiotaceae (Schirmlinge) in Österreich. II. Die Gattung Lepiota |
79-104 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Bemerkenswerte Russula-Funde aus Ostösterreich 2 |
105-122 | Lizárraga, M., Moreno, G., Illana, C. | Myxomycetes from Chihuahua, Mexico. 2 |
123-190 | Dämon, W. | Die Pilzflora des Schwingrasen-Moorwaldes am Krottensee (Gmunden, Oberösterreich) |
191-274 | Hausknecht, A. | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Bolbitiaceae 10. Conocybe Sektion Pilosellae |
275-290 | Karasch, P., Dämon, W., Jaklitsch, W., Baral, H.-O. | Beiträge zur Pilzflora der Kanaren-Insel La Palma 2. Weitere bemerkenswerte Pilzfunde auf Chamaecytisus proliferus |
291-303 | Nagy, L. | Additions to the Hungarian mycobiota 2: Coprinus and Tricholoma |
303-308 | Neuhauser, S., Huber, L., Kirchmair, M. | Sorosphaera veronicae neu für Österreich |
309-332 | Matočec, N., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Scheuer, C. | Austrian discomycetous fungi 1. An annotated list of species recently collected in the Eastern Alps and the Peripannonic area |
333 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa | |
335 | Buchbesprechungen |
Issue 15 (2006) (€ 25,-)
1-6 | Benkert, D. | Octospora erzbergeri (Pezizales, Ascomycetes), a new species from Serbia-Montenegro |
7-10 | Hausknecht, A., Contu, M. | Bolbitius demangei in Italy |
11-19 | Boom, P. P. G. van den | Contribution to the flora of Portugal: lichens and lichenicolous fungi 5 |
21-29 | Medardi, G. | Non fimicolous Arctic-alpine Ascomycetes collected in Austria 1 |
31-65 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | The genus Chalciporus, a world-wide survey |
67-93 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Oswald, I., Oswald, W. | Results of the mycological workshop in Nenzing (Vorarlberg) in August/September 2004 |
95-103 | Pidlich-Aigner, H | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 3 |
105-120 | Neuwirth, G., Breuss, O., Hammerl, R. | Contribution to the lichen flora of the national park Bayerischer Wald. The Buchberger Leite |
121-126 | Breuss, O. | Remarkable lichen findings from Lower Austria and Styria 2 |
127-131 | Hausknecht, A., Noordeloos, M. E. | Two new species of the genus Entoloma |
133-136 | Hausknecht, A., Gubitz, C. | Conocybe nigrescens, a new species of section Pilosellae |
137-142 | Kreisel, H., Hausknecht, A. | The gasteral Basidiomycetes of Mascarenes and Seychelles 2 |
143-147 | Ryvarden, L., Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Coltricia grandispora and Tyromyces vitellinus, two new polypores |
149-179 | Hausknecht, A., Pidlich-Aigner, H., Forstinger, H. | Results of the mycological workshop in Langschlag (Waldviertel, Lower Autria) in September/October 2005 |
181-186 | Miersch, J., Penke, D., Robich, G. | Mycena handkeana, a new member of section Fragilipedes from Germany |
187-212 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Infrageneric division of the genus Conocybe – a classical approach |
213-224 | Welt, P., Heine, N. | Contributions to the knowledge of coprophilous fungi 3. Coprophilous fungi in the Montafon (Vorarlberg, Austria) |
225-226 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
227-229 | Book reviews |
Issue 16 (2007) (€ 25,-)
1-3 | Boom, P. P. G. van den, Boom, B. van den, Yazici, K. | Catillaria fungoides found in Cape Verde, The Netherlands and Turkey, with notes on accompanying species |
5-10 | Medardi, G. | Boudiera dennisii, Discinella boudieri and Rutstroemia microsperma found in Austria |
11-23 | Stephenson, S. L., Moreno, G., Singer, H. | Notes on some nivicolous myxomycetes from Australia and New Zealand including the description of a new species of Lamproderma |
25-33 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 4 |
35-116 | Hausknecht, A. | Contributions to the knowledge of Bolbitiaceae 11. Non-annulate species of the genus Pholiotina |
117-126 | Esteve-Raventós, F., Hausknecht, A., Rejos, F. J. | Pholiotina atrocyanea, spec. nova, and three other rare Pholiotina species (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) from Spain |
127-131 | Pock, B. | Trichaptum laricinum – new for the Alps |
133-145 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Infrageneric division of the genus Pholiotina – a classical approach |
147-156 | Hausknecht, A., Nagy, L. | Notes on some taxa of Conocybe (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) from Hungary |
157-166 | Hausknecht, A., Contu, M. | Interesting species of Conocybe (Agaricales, Bolbitiaceae) from Gallura (NE Sardinia, Italy) |
167-180 | Nagy, L. | Notes on taxa of Coprinus subsection Alachuani from Hungary |
181-186 | Noordeloos, M. E., Contu, M. | On two remarkable Marasmiellus species from Sardinia, Italy |
187-279 | Klofac, W. | Keys for fresh material of the European species of Boletales with tubes |
281-287 | Hausknecht, A., Mešic, A., Tkalcec, Z. | Two remarkable species of Bolbitiaceae (Agaricales) from Croatia |
287-288 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
289-295 | Book reviews |
Issue 17 (2008) (€ 25,-)
1-5 | Hausknecht, A., Contu, M., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Bolbitius subvolvatus, a new species from Sardinia (Italy) |
7-9 | Paclt, J. | Basidiomycetes inhabiting the ornamental tree Koelreuteria (Sapindaceae) |
11-14 | Gubitz, C., Hausknecht, A. | Conocybe karinae, a new species of section Candidae (Bolbitiaceae, Agaricales) from the ecological-botanical garden of the university of Bayreuth |
15-24 | Lechat, C., Baral, H.-O. | A new species of Ijuhya on Equisetum hyemale and its Acremonium anamorph, with notes on Hydropisphaera arenula – Eine neue Ijuhya-Art auf Equisetum hyemale und ihre Acremonium-Anamorphe, mit Anmerkungen zu Hydropisphaera arenula |
25-33 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 5: Russula juniperina and Russula seperina |
35-40 | Pykäla, J., Breuss, O. | Eleven Verrucaria species new to Finland |
41-46 | Robich, G., Hausknecht, A. | Mycena dobraensis, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Eastern Austria |
47-51 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greil-huber, I. | Roridomyces appendiculatus and comments on the genus Roridomyces (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales) |
53-57 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greil-huber, I. | Lactocollybia dendrobii (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales), a new species from a flower pot in Austria |
59-65 | Battistin, E., Righetto, N. | New ecological data on the rare Entoloma cedretorum |
67-73 | Klofac, W., Hausknecht, A. | Suillus holomaculatus, a new species from Mauritius (Africa) |
75-79 | Vila, J., Contu, M., Ortega, A. | A new species of Rhodocybe (Agaricales, Entolomataceae) from Catalonia (Iberian Peninsula) |
81-85 | Antonín, V., Kreisel, H. | Tulostoma lesliei, a new record from Italy |
87-152 | Noordeloos, M. E. | Entoloma in North America 2: the species described by C. H. Peck – type studies and comments |
153-171 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Results of the mycological workshop in Holzöster (Ober-österreich) in September/October 2006 |
173-193 | Benkert, D. | Emendation of the genus Kotlabaea (Ascomycota, Pezizales) |
195-203 | Pock, B., Koller, G. | Ecology and distribution of two polypores rare in Austria: Trametes cervina und Pycnoporellus fulgens |
205 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
207-209 | Book reviews |
Issue 18 (2009) (€ 25,-)
69-75 | Aronsen, A. | Mycena cretata – a new member of section Fragilipedes from southern Norway |
161-167 | Battistin, E., Righetto, N. | New data on the rare Entoloma moserianum |
25-45 | Boom, P. P. G. van den, Boom, B. van den | Diversity of lichens and lichenicolous fungi in a primeval heathland and adjacent managed forest in southern Netherlands (Groote Heide and ’t Leenderbos) |
129-139 | Dähncke, R. M., Contu, M., Vizzini, A. | Some rare or critical taxa of the genus Lyophyllum s. l. (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes) from La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) |
111-115 | Etayo, J., Berger, F. | About a fast developing community of lichenicolous deuteromycetes decaying Xanthoria parietina |
53-57 | Friebes, G., Melzer, A. | Psathyrella amarescens in Austria |
223 | Hausknecht, A. | Obituaries |
77-110 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | The genera Panaeolina und Panaeolus in Austria and comments to several other interesting Panaeolus-collections |
183-195 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Two new Conocybe species from Europe and corrections to the monograph Conocybe–Pholiotina |
201-220 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Klofac, W. | Results of the mycological workshop in Malta (Carinthia) in August/September 2008 |
149-159 | Kreisel, H., Hausknecht, A. | The gasteral Basidiomycetes of Mascarenes and Seychelles 3. Some recent records |
15-24 | Melzer, A. | Coprophile ink-caps on Alpaka-dung |
141-147 | Neuhauser, S., Kirchmair, M. | Ligniera junci, a plasmodiophorid re-discovered in roots of Juncus in Austria |
197-199 | Noordeloos, M. E. | The genus Deconica (W. G. Sm.) P. Karst. in Europe – new combinations |
169-182 | Noordeloos, M. E., Hausknecht, A. | New and interesting Entoloma species from Central Europe |
1-6 | Paclt, J. | Basidiomycetes inhabiting the ornamental tree Paulownia (Scrophulariaceae) |
59-68 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Bemerkenswerte Russula-Funde aus Ostösterreich 6: Russula carminipes und Russula sericatula |
123-127 | Pykäla, J., Breuss, O. | Six rare Verrucaria species new to Finland |
47-51 | Robich, G. | Mycena albidoaquosipes, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Austria |
117-122 | Robich, G. | Mycena truncimuscicola, a new species of section Filipedes (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Switzerland |
7-14 | Robich, G., Hausknecht, A. | Mycena bhuglooi, a new species of section Sacchariferae (Agaricales, Tricholomataceae) from Mauritius (Africa) |
221-227 | Erratum | |
229 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
231-234 | Book reviews |
Issue 19 (2010) (€ 25,-)
1-12 | Paclt, J. | Basidiomycetes inhabiting the ornamental tree Catalpa (Bignoniaceae) |
13-17 | Melzer, A., Richter, T., Friebes, G. | New finds of Psathyrella dunarum |
19-29 | Jeannerot, B. | Notes on scutellinioid fungi in collections of the ViennaUniversity herbarium (WU) |
31-39 | Lang, K., Breuss, O., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | A qualitative floristic survey of lichens in high alpine environment in the nature preserve Rieserferner-Ahrn (South Tyrol, Italy) |
41-51 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 7: Russula citrinochlora |
53-91 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | The genus Crepidotus in Austria |
93-99 | Miersch, J., Rödel, T. | Mycena congregabilis, a new species from the island La Réunion (France, Africa) |
101-120 | Breuss, O., Brand, M. | Lichen findings in the Salzkammergut (Upper Austria/Salzburg, Austria)
Results of the foray of the bryological-lichenological KNNV work-group at Wolfgangsee 2008 |
121-126 | Hausknecht, A., Contu, M., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Dähncke, R. M., Vizzini, A.. | Bolbitius excoriatus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), a new species from Spain |
127-132 | Jordal, J. B., Noordeloos, M. E. | Entoloma cremeoalbum – a new member of subgenus Omphaliopsis from Norway |
133-174 | Klofac, W. | The genus Aureoboletus, a world-wide survey. A contribution to a monographic treatment |
175-187 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Three new taxa of Bolbitiaceae (Conocybe, Pholiotina) in Europe |
189-297 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Hausknecht, A., Urban, A., (Eds.) | Proceedings of the First Conference on the “European” Truffle Tuber aestivum/uncinatum 6.-8. 11. 2009, Faculty Centre of Biodiversity, University of Vienna |
191-199 | Hall, I. R., Zambonelli, A., Minter, D. | Sex, croziers, truffles and variation |
201-207 | Zambonelli, A., Piattoni, F., Iotti, M., Hall, I. R. | What makes a good truffle infected tree? |
209-212 | Hilszczańska, D., Sierota, Z. | First attempt towards cultivation of Tuber aestivum in Poland |
213-215 | Thomas, P. W. | A comparison of two UK sites to monitor the role of climatic parameters on tree growth and the development of Tuber aestivum mycorrhiza |
217-219 | Kagan-Zur, V., Roth-Bejerano, N., Sitrit, Y., Ferdman, Y. | Cryptic species in the Terfezia boudieri complex |
221-226 | Bratek, Z., Merényi, Z., Illyés, Z., László, P., Anton, A., Papp, L., Merkl, O., Garay, J., Viktor, J., Brandt, S. | Studies on the ecophysiology of Tuber aestivum populations in the Carpatho-Pannonian region |
227-229 | Bach, I., Bordács, S., Szlávik, S. | Development of an official method to control the quality of mycorrhized forestry material in Hungary |
231-237 | Bratek, Z., Merényi, Z., Illyés, Z., Völcz, G., Tamaskó, G., Ákos Orczán, K., Viktor, J., Chevalier, G. | First results from experimental truffle orchards established in Hungary in the framework of INRA-ELTE cooperation |
239-244 | Merényi, Z., Illyés, Z., Völcz, G., Bratek, Z. | A database and its application for the development of truffle cultivation methods |
245-247 | Gažo, J., Miko, M. | Truffle habitats in Western Slovakia |
249-259 | Chevalier, G. | The Truffle of Europe (Tuber aestivum): geographic limits, ecology and possibility of cultivation |
261-264 | Khabar, L. | Contribution to the study of the ecology of Tuber aestivum in Morocco: phytosociological and geological aspects |
265-271 | Gregori, G. | Tuber uncinatum in Italy: ecology, market value and validation |
273-279 | Urban, A., Pla, T. | Conservation strategies for Tuber aestivum |
281-290 | Angelini, P., Donnini, D., Pagiotti, R., Trillini, B., Granetti, B., Venanzoni, R. | Biological activities of methanolic extract from Tuber aestivum, T. borchii, and T. brumale f. moschatum |
291-297 | French, M.-A. | Morphological variations of Tuber uncinatum linked to climatic conditions |
299 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
301-304 | Book reviews |
Issue 20 (2011) (€ 25,-)
1-3 | Paclt, J. | Addenda to the Basidiomycetes inhabiting Paulownia (Scrophulariaceae) |
5-12 | Miersch, J., Rödel, T. | Mycena plicatula, a new species from the island La Réunion (France, Africa) |
13-17 | Benkert, D. | Selenaspora guernisaci and further findings of Pezizales species (Ascomycota) in the Georgian Republic |
19-24 | Friebes, G., Melzer, A. | Psathyrella calcarea in Austria |
25-28 | Dymytrowa, L. V., Breuss, O., Kondratyuk, S. Y. | Agonimia borysthenica, a new lichen species (Verrucariales) from Ukraine |
29-34 | Pykälä, J., Breuss, O. | Notes on some rare Verrucaria species (lichenised Ascomycotina, Verrucariales) |
35-43 | Klofac, W. | Red-cracked boletes (genus Xerocomellus) in current view |
45-51 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 8: Russula dryophila |
53-72 | Klofac, W. | Boletus pseudosulphureus, the correct name for the partly misinterpreted Boletus junquilleus? |
73-102 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Species list of the international mycological congress „34. Dreiländertagung“ in Litschau 2009 |
103-119 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Results of the mycological workshop in Johnsbach (Nationalpark Gesäuse, Styria) in August 2010 |
121 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
123-129 | Book reviews |
Issue 21 (2012) (€ 30,-)
1 | Breuss, O. | A European record of Verrucaria marinomuralis (lichenised Ascomycetes, Verrucariales) pdf-open access |
117 | Breuss, O., Berger, F. | Validation of Verrucaria finitima and comments on the group of Verrucaria tristis (lichenised Ascomycetes, Verrucariaceae) pdf-open access |
27 | Hausknecht, A. | A rare agaric from Germany: Fayodia campanella Abstract |
31 | Hausknecht, A. | The genus Simocybe in Austria Abstract |
69 | Hausknecht, A., Klofac, W. | Results of the mycological workshop in in Ehrwald (Tirol) in August/September 2011 Abstract |
83 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greil-huber, I. | The mycoflora of Löss areas in western Weinviertel (Lower Austria) Abstract |
135 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Pidlich-Aigner, H., Klofac, W., Oswald, W. & I. | Rare or critical macromycetes from Austria Abstract |
127 | Lücking, R., Breuss, M. | A new species of Thelotrema, a new combination, Leucodecton isidioides, and a key to thelotremoid li-chens of Macaronesia (lichenised Ascomycota: Graphi-daceae) pdf-open access |
61 | Ma, H.- X., Vasilyeva, L. N., Li, Y. | The genus Xylaria in the south of China – 5. Three new records in the China Mainland Abstract |
17 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 9: the new species Russula flavoides Abstract |
45 | Rödig, T., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., | A morphological character study of the type specimen of Xerocomus luteovinaceus ad int. Abstract |
5 | van den Boom, P. P. G. | Additions and notes to the checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Cape Verde Abstract |
79 | Vrinda, K. B., Pradeep, C. K., Varghese, S. P. | Rhacophyllus lilacinus – a remarkable fungal morph from Western Ghats of Kerala, India Abstract |
53 | Yilmazkaya, D., Akgül, H., Ergül, C. C., Hüseyin, E. | A checklist of mycobiota on Pistacia vera of the Gaziantep province in Turkey Abstract |
159 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
161 | Book reviews | |
167 | Instructions to Authors |
Issue 22 (2013) (out of print)
15-20 | Blanco-Dios, J. B. | Clitopilus gallaecicus, a new species in section Pleurotelloides from Spain |
163-164 | Boom, P. P. G. van den | Two lichenicolous fungi, Arthonia coronata and Graphium aphthosae, new for Germany |
85-92 | Breuss, O. | Remarkable finds of lichens in Lechquellengebirge and Lechtaler Alps (Vorarlberg, Austria) |
99-105 | Breuss, O. | Byssoloma laurisilvae und Thelotrema lueckingii, two new lichen species from Madeira pdf-open access |
93-98 | Breuss, O., Clerc, P. | First records and further remarkable finds of pyrenocarpous lichens in Switzerland |
121-162 | Dämon, W., Klenke, F., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., | Species list of the 37. International Mycological Congress Dreiländertagung in Tamsweg 2013 |
31-48 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | The genera Flammulaster and Phaeomarasmius in Austria |
49-84 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | The genera Deconica, Leratiomyces and Psilocybe (Strophariaceae) in Austria |
7-14 | Hovsepyan, R. | Elaphomyces muricatus (Ascomycota), a new record for hypogeous fungi in Armenia |
1-6 | Howladar, S., Mahmoud, Y. A.-G., Meriseel, A. | Battarrea phalloides – new for Saudi Arabia |
211-278 | Klofac, W. | A world-wide key to the genus Suillus |
21-29 | Pala, S. A., Wani, A. H., Parveen, S. | Some hitherto unreported macromycetes from coniferous forests of Kashmir Himalaya (India) |
107-120 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 10: Russula olivascens and the new species Russula olivoides |
165-209 | Wergen, B., Jorgovanovic, Z., Schulz, W. | A contribution to the mapping of fungi in Austria |
279 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
281-283 | Book reviews | |
285-286 | Instructions to Authors |
Issue 23 (2014) (out of print)
1-19 | Prydiuk, M. P. | Some Conocybe species rare or new for Ukraine. 1. Section Conocybe |
21-29 | Razaq, A., Ilyas, S., Khalid, A. N. | Taxonomic and phylogenetic affinities of Hygrophorus chrysodon from western Himalayan forests |
31-32 | Upadhyaya, M. L., Gupta, R. C. | A new record of leaf spot of Cycas revoluta in Kumaun Himalaya in Uttarakhand, India |
33-36 | Upadhyaya, M. L., Gupta, R. C. | New records for three Cercospora species from Almora Hills, Uttarakhand, India |
37-53 | Marques, J., Paz-Bermúdez, G. | New and interesting lichen records for the Portuguese funga from the Upper Douro region (north-east Portugal) |
55-60 | Weholt, Ø., Lorås, J., Eidissen, S. E. | One new and one rare species of Entoloma from the Norwegian nature reserve Holmvassdalen pdf-open access |
61-75 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | A world-wide key to the genus Boletinus. |
77-88 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 11: Russula gigasperma, R. olivobrunnea and R. sublevispora |
89-96 | Klofac, W. | Butyriboletus roseogriseus, a new bolete, also discovered in Austria |
97-111 | Miersch, J., Rödel, T. | Two new species from the island Martinique (France): Mycena diversicystidiata and Mycena alboradiata |
113-124 | Rekha, D. N., Vasanthakumari, M. M., Uma Shaanker, R., Shivanna, M. B. | Diversity, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of endophytic fungi in Chloris barbata and Eleusine indica of Poaceae subfamily Chloridoideae |
125-129 | Fischer, H. E., Stephenson, S. L. | Myxomycetes associated with two types of grasslands in northwest Arkansas |
131-141 | Hoppe, T., Ammon, L., Moll, J. K. | Diversity and sporocarp development of lignicolous myxomycetes in young timber forests of western Germany |
143-147 | Batool, M., Mukhtar, T., Butt, H. | First report of Diplocarpon mespili on loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) in Pakistan |
149-151 | Svojtka, M. | Maximilian Johann Nepomuk Fellner (1751-1780) and his “Prodromus ad historiam fungorum agri Vindobonensis (1775)” pdf-open access |
153-169 | Boom, P. P. G., Sipman, H. J. M. | Lichens from the Dominican Republic collected in 2008 |
171-177 | Breuss, O. | Remarkable finds of lichens in Lechquellengebirge and Lechtaler Alps (Vorarlberg, Austria) – 2 |
179-198 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 12: rare and new species of the Russula pectinata group |
199-202 | Friebes, G., Gallé, A. | Chromosera viola, new for Austria |
203 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
205 | Book reviews | |
209-210 | Instructions to Authors |
Issue 24 (2015) (30,-)
1-8 | Boom, P. P. G. van den, Clerc, P. | Further new or interesting lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) pdf-open access (online 31 July 2015) |
9-13 | Mathiassen, G., Granmo, A., Rämä, T. | Barrmaelia pseudobombarda (Ascomycota), a rare European species with a peculiar disjunct distribution pdf-open access (online 25 November 2015) |
15-22 | Gehlot, P., Joginder Singh, J. | Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Glomus spp. (Glomeromycetes), associated with drought tolerant plants of the Indian Thar desert Abstract |
23-30 | Hussain, S., Afshan, N. S., Ahmad, H., Khalid, A. N. | New report of the edible mushroom Pleurotus cystidiosus from Pakistan Abstract |
31-37 | Ko Ko, T. W., Rosing, W. C., Stephenson, S. L. | First records of myxomycetes from Cambodia Abstract |
39-46 | Schifko, G. | Deadly Cordyceps s.l. and other frightening fungi – an investigation of mycophobe tendencies in the anglophone area on the basis of the US American mystery series “X-Files” Abstract |
47-58 | Rezende, D. V., Cruz, A. G., Tsuji, G., Oliveira, B.F., Lima, A. A., Blum, L. E. B. | Uredinia and further morphological and molecular confirmation of the rust fungus Uromyces hawksworthii on Loranthaceae from the Brazilian Cerrado pdf-open access (online 25 November 2015) |
59-97 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 13: Compactae Abstract |
98-111 | Walker, L. M., Rojas, C., Stephenson, S. L. | The myxomycetes of the La Selva Biological Station (Costa Rica) Abstract |
113-116 | Gupta, R. C., Upadhyaya, M. L. | Mycoparasitic activity of Zygosporium gibbum against Cladosporium cladosporioides and other fungi Abstract |
117-127 | Ji, J. X., Xie, Y.Y. , Wang, Q., Li, Y., Kakishima, M. | Life cycle of Melampsora laricis-populina on Populus ×canadensis in Jilin, China, and its morphological clarification of spermogonial and aecial stages Abstract |
129-136 | Dar, R. A., Rai, A. N., Reshi, M. I., Surywanshi, J. | First report of Helicoceras celtidis causing foliar disease of Celtis australis from Jammu and Kashmir, India Abstract |
137-144 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 14: the new species Russula denigrata Abstract |
145-154 | Jabeen, S., Fiaz, M., Saba, M., Ahmad, H., Khalid, A. N. | Molecular phylogeny and morphological characterization of Russula livescens and its ectomycorrhiza from mixed coniferous forests of Pakistan Abstract |
155-160 | Friebes, G. | Ein Nachweis von Neolecta vitellina in Österreich Abstract |
161-166 | Breuss, O. | Remarks on Megalospora maderensis (lichenised Ascomycota, Megalosporaceae) Abstract |
167-172 | Ploch, S., Koncilja, M., Vizzini, A., Sgaga, A., Pötz, H., Thines, M. | Lyophyllum turcicum, a first report for Austria, confirmed by molecular identification Abstract |
173-179 | Mentrida, S., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Voglmayr, H. | Molecular evaluation of species delimitation and barcoding of Daedaleopsis confragosa specimens in Austria Abstract |
181-196 | Pilzer, I., Breuss, O., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | A qualitative investigation of lichens in the Wiener Zentralfriedhof (Austria) – with a list of all lichens hitherto known from Vienna Abstract |
197-227 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Klofac, W., Wieser, B., Prelicz, D. | Results of the mycological workshop in Hof bei Straden (SE Styria) in August 2014 Abstract |
229-232 | Anton Hausknecht to his 80th birthday | |
233 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
235-239 | Book reviews | |
241-242 | Instructions to Authors |
Issue 25 (2016) (€ 30,-)
1-3 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Nomenclatural novelties in Boletaceae pdf-open access (online 2 October 2016) |
5-10 | Arnold, N., Palfner, G., Kuhnt, C., Schmidt, J. | Chemistry of the earthy odour of basidiomata of Cortinarius hinnuleus (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) pdf-open access (online 24 November 2016) |
11-17 | Miersch, J., Robich, G. | Mycena pilosostipitata, a new species of section Filipedes from Lower Saxony (Germany) Abstract |
19.22 | Khan, J., Hassan Sher, H., Nasir Khalid, A. | Abortiporus biennis: the third record of this fungus and a new genus name for the Pakistan funga Abstract |
23-38 | Chenari Bouket, A., Belbahri, L., Babaei-Ahari, A., Tojo, M | Morphological and molecular identification of newly recovered Pythium species, P. sylvaticum and P. glomeratum from Iran, and evaluation of their pathogenicity on cucumber seedlings Abstract |
39-50 | Chenari Bouket, A., Belbahri, L., Babaei–Ahari, A., Tojo, M. | Morphological and molecular identification of newly recovered Pythium species, P. abappressorium and P. spinosum from Iran and evaluation of their pathogenicity on cucumber seedlings Abstract |
51-67 | Prydiuk, M. | Some Conocybe species rare or new for Ukraine. 2. Sections Mixtae and Pilosellae Abstract |
69-78 | Dolatabad, H. K., Javan-Nikkhah, M., Ahmadzadeh, M., Fotouhifar, K.-B. | Diversity of mycobiota isolated from tissues of four cultivars of Pistacia vera Abstract |
79-89 | Sood, S., Koul, K. K., Upadhyay, R. C. | Lyophyllum decastes, a new mushroom species for India and its extracellular enzymes Abstract |
91-94 | Koncilja, M., Broderegger, E. | A first record of Galerella plicatella in Carinthia, Austria pdf-open access (online 27 November 2016) |
95-99 | Breuss, O. | Key to the Byssoloma species (lichenised Ascomycota, Pilocarpaceae) known from Macaronesia Abstract |
101-189 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 15: Subgenus Incrustatula Abstract |
191-199 | Hausknecht, A., Broussal, M. | Conocybe volvicystidiata, a new species of the section Singerella Abstract |
201-208 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Kresitschnig, P., Delev, E., Pötz, H.,Barfuss, M. H. J., | Psilocybe serbica var. bohemica – an Austrian record pdf-open access (online 13 December 2016) |
209-224 | Aigner, L., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | An ethnomycological study of the mushroom knowledge in the population of the Waldviertel pdf-open access (online 28 December 2016) |
225-229 | Urban, A. | First record of the dog´s nose fungus, Camarops petersii, in the old-growth forest reserve Johannserkogel, Vienna, Austria Abstract |
231 | New taxa proposed in this issue | |
233 | Book reviews | |
235 | Instructions to Authors |
Issue 26 (2017) (€ 30,-)
1-15 | Chandra, K., Upadhyay, S., Bisht, K., Joshi, Y. | Diversity and distribution of lichenized fungi on some historical monuments of Kumaun Himalaya, Uttarakhand Abstract (online 23 August 2017) pay-pdf |
17-25 | Yao, Q. Z., Yan, W., Zhao, H. Y., Wei, J. | Description and identification of Ostryopsis davidiana ectomycorrhizae in Inner Mongolia mountain forest of China pdf-open access (online 23 August 2017) |
27-42 | Timbreza, L. P., Delos Reyes, J. L., Flores, C. H. C., Perez, R. J. L. A., Stockel, M. A. A., Santiago, K. A. A., | Antibacterial activities of the lichen Ramalina and Usnea collected from Mt. Banoi, Batangas and Dahilayan, Bukidnon, against multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria pdf-open access (online 7 August 2017) |
43-50 | Singh, P. N. , Singh, S. K., Baghela, A., Maurya, D. K., Lagashetti, A. C. | A new record of Helicosporium for India – H. linderi from Western Ghats Abstract (online 14 December 2017) pay-pdf |
51-61 | Chenari Bouket, A., Babaei-Ahari, A., Belbahri, L., Tojo, M. | Morphological and molecular identification of a newly recovered Pythium species, P. viniferum from Iran, and evaluation of its pathogenicity on cucumber seedlings Abstract (online 7 December 2017) pay-pdf |
63-67 | Banerjee, A., Panja, B., Saha, J. | Tip blight disease of Dracaena fragrans caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae (Botryosphaeriaceae), from India pdf-open access (online 14 December 2017) |
69-81 | Miersch, J., Wilhelm, M. | Two new Mycena species, Mycena neosetosa from Switzerland and Mycena pseudospinosa from France Abstract (online 29 December 2017) pay-pdf (in German) |
83-86 | Berger, A., Walter, J., Rainer, H., Kowarik, K. | Puccinia poae-aposeridis (Pucciniaceae): general distribution and new discovery for Upper Austria pdf-open access (online 27 December 2017) (in German) |
87-97 | Fluri, H., Senn-Irlet, B., Graf, U., Beenken, L. | Geoglossum heuflerianum – rediscovery of an alpine species in Switzerland pdf-open access (online 29 December 2017) (in German) |
99-105 | Ma, H.-X.-, Li, Y. | Xylaria curta and X. partita (Xylariales) from Yunnan province Abstract (online 27 December 2017) pay-pdf |
107-115 | Landsteiner, A., Breuss, O. | Observations on the lichen colonisation of young reforestation areas in south-eastern Costa Rica Abstract (online 27 December 2017) pay-pdf |
117-267 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 16: Section Russula, Part I. Abstract (online 26 January 2018) pay-pdf (in German) |
269–281 | Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Flechtmann, S., Friebes, G., Koller, G., Kresitschnig, P., Stoik, O. | Remarkable fungi from Austria – 2017 pdf-open access (online 9 March 2018) (in German) |
283–288 | New taxa proposed in this issue, Book reviews, Instructions to Authors | (in German) |
289–290 | Contents |
Issue 27 (2018) (€ 30,-)
1-4 | Nonzom, S., Sumbali G. | New record of Geosmithia rufescens from a high altitude pass in the trans-Himalayan region abstract pay pdf (published online 15. January 2019) |
5-10 | Yazici, K., Aptroot, A., Karahan, D. | New lichen records of Acarospora and Lecidea species for Turkey and Asia abstract pay-pdf (published online 15. January 2019) |
11-21 | Guerrero, J. J. G., Dalisay, T. U. | Fungal endophytes across tissue layers of Canarium ovatum (Burseraceae) fruit pdf-open-access (published online 15. January 2019) |
23-30 | Melzer, A., Kimani, V. W., Ullrich, R. | A new species of Psathyrella (Agaricales) from a Kenyan National Park pdf-open-access (published online 15. January 2019) |
31-36 | Breuss, O. | Neue und bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde von den Azoren (Insel São Miguel) II abstract pay-pdf (published online 15. January 2019) (in German) |
37-42 | Friebes, G., Melzer, A. | Psathyrella lyckebodensis, a first record for Austria pdf-open-access (published online 15. January 2019) |
43-52 | Hahn, C., Friebes, G., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Sarcodon fennicus, a boreo-montane stipitate hydnoid fungus with a remarkable smell pdf-open-access (published online 24. February 2019) |
53-57 | Banerjee, A., Panja, B., Nath, P. S. | Conidia production of Exserohilum turcicum by a two-phase system using sponge matrix pdf-open-access (published online 16. April 2019) |
59-64 | Brodegger, E., Koncilja, M., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Ein rezenter Fund von Mycena chloroxantha var. appalachienensis aus dem Botanikzentrum Klagenfurt pdf-open-access (published online 16. April 2019) |
65-69 | Pidlich-Aigner, H., Klofac, W. | Russula camarophylla – eine ungewöhnliche Art der Sektion Archaeinae. Russula camarophylla – an unusual species of section Archaeinae abstract pay-pdf (published online 16. April 2019) |
71-80 | Sengupta, S. C., Dubey, R. | Rare and interesting microfungi at the confluence of Eastern and Western Ghats (India) abstract pay-pdf (published online 8. June 2019) |
81-303 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Revised key for the determination of fresh collections of European species of Boletales with tubulate hymenophore. Überarbeiteter Schlüssel zur Bestimmung von Frischfunden europäischer Arten der Boletales mit röhrigem Hymenophor abstract pay-pdf (published online 8. February 2020) |
305-309 | New taxa proposed in this issue, Book reviews, Instructions to Authors | pdf-open-access (published January 3, 2019 and February 9, 2020) (in German) |
311 | Contents |
Issue 28 (2019) (€ 30,-)
1-7 | Yazıcı, K., Karahan, D., Aslan A. | Cladonia uncialis subsp. uncialis, Scythioria phlogina and Sticta limbata – three new lichen records for Turkey and Asia abstract pay-pdf (published online 22, February 2020) |
9-12 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Xerocomus ferrugineus f. aurantiiporus, eine neue Form mit orangen Röhren aus Österreich. Xerocomus ferrugineus f. aurantiiporus, a new form with orange tubes from Austria pdf-open-access (published online 20. June 2020) |
13-18 | Hausknecht,A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Pholiotina pleurocystidiata (Bolbitiaceae), eine neue Art mit Pleurozystiden. Pholiotina pleurocystidiata (Bolbitiaceae), a new species with pleurocystidia. pdf-open-access (published online 3. August 2020) |
19-21 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Nomenclatural novelties in Boletales. pdf-open-access (published online 18. August 2020) |
23-36 | Adora, B. A. L., Dalisay, T. U., Pangga, I. B., Ceballo, F. A. | Foliar fungal diseases on rubber, Hevea brasiliensis, planted in selected non-traditional areas in the Philippines. abstract pay-pdf (published online 20, September 2020) |
37-43 | Guerrero, J. J. G., Bañares, E. N., General, M. A., Imperial, J. T. | Rapid survey of macrofungi within an urban forest fragment in Bicol, eastern Philippines pdf-open-access (published online 20, September 2020) |
45-48 | Ashraf, N., Bhat, M. Y., Wani, A. H. | First record ofDiplocarpon mespili (Drepanopezizaceae, Ascomycota) on Cydonia oblongata leaves from Kashmir Valley, India. abstract pay-pdf (published online 9, October 2020) |
49-52 | Erratum/Clarification to: Revised key for the determination of fresh collections of European species of Boletales with tubulate hymenophore. Überarbeiteter Schlüssel zur Bestimmung von Frischfunden europäischer Arten der Boletales mit röhrigem Hymenophor.
Erratum to: Bemerkenswerte Russula-Funde aus Ostösterreich 16: Sektion Russula, Teil I. Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 16: Section Russula, Part I. Erratum to: Pholiotina pleurocystidiata (Bolbitiaceae), eine neue Art mit Pleurozystiden. Pholiotina pleurocystidiata (Bolbitiaceae), a new species with pleurocystidia. pay-pdf |
53-61 | Guerrero, J. J. G., Imperial, J. T., General, M. A., Arena E. A. A., Bernal, M. B. R. | Antibacterial activities of secondary metabolites of endophytic Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus sp. andDiaporthe sp. isolated from medicinal plants. pdf-open-access (published online 16, October 2020) |
63-67 | Votzi, J., Bedlan, G. | First report of Cercospora helianthicola and Septoria helianthina on Helianthus annuus in Austria. pdf-open-access (published online 21, October 2020) |
69-74 | Breuss, O. | Key to the species of Agonimia (lichenised Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae). pdf-open-access (published online 25, October 2020) |
75-78 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Chalciporus pseudopiperatus, a new taxon in the Chalciporus piperatus species complex. Chalciporus pseudopiperatus, ein neues Taxon des Chalciporus piperatus Artkomplexes. pdf-open-access (published online 21, December 2020) |
79-92 | Büttner, E., Karich, A., Nghi, D. H., Lange, M., Liers, C., Kellner, H., Hofrichter, M., Ullrich, R. | Candolleomyces eurysporus – A new Psathyrellaceae (Agaricales) species from the tropical Cúc Phương National Park, Vietnam. pdf-open-access (published online 22, December 2020) |
93-106 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Gyromitra inflata, die Wiederenteckung einer verschollenen oder fehlinterpretierten Art. Gyromitra inflata, the rediscovery of a lost or misinterpreted species. pdf-open-access (published online 7, January 2021) |
107-114 | Chenari Bouket, A. | The status of Iranian oomycete species in GenBank abstract pay-pdf (published online 15, February 2021) |
115-121 | Yazıcı, K., Aslan, A. | Acarospora scotica, Anema tumidulum and Megaspora rimisorediata – three newly recorded lichens for Turkey abstract pay-pdf (published online 15, February 2021) |
123-130 | Topalidou, E., Lagiotis, G., Madesis, P. | Morphological and molecular identification confirms the occurrence of the rare macromycete Phaeolepiota aurea in Greece. pdf-open-access + suppl. 1 (published online 24, February 2021) |
131-160 | Bolay, A., Clerc, P., Braun, U., Götz, M., Takamatsu, S. | New species, new records and first sequence data of powdery mildews (Erysiphaceae) from Europe with special emphasis on Switzerland. pdf-open-access (published online 10, March 2021) |
161-205 | Rimóczi, I., Hausknecht, A., Benedek, L. | Interessante Pilzfunde aus dem Nordost-Eupannonicum (Florenbezirk Nyírségense) in Ungarn Az Eupannonicum flóravidék északkeleti területének, a Nyírségense flórajárásnak nagygomba világa, és érdekesebb fajai Magyarországon abstract pay-pdf (published online 27, March 2021) |
207-211 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa, Buchbesprechungen, Hinweise für die Autoren | |
213 | Contents/Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Issue 29 (2020, 2021) (€ 30,-)
1-61 | Pidlich-Aigner, H. | Remarkable Russula-findings from East Austria 17: Section Russula, Part 2. abstract pay-pdf (published online 27., March 2021) (In Gewrman) |
63-67 | Acar, I., | A new genus record for Turkey and West Asia, Cistella dentata, collected at Bingöl. abstract pay-pdf (published online 1., April 2021) |
69-83 | Breuss, O., Lanner, D., | A qualitative survey of lichens on the Danube Canal in Vienna (Austria) (in German) pdf-open access (published online 8, July 2021) (In German) |
85-97 | Adora, B. A. L., Dalisay, T. U., Pangga, I. B., Ceballo, F. A. | Occurrence of fungal endophytes from Hevea brasiliensis leaves in Laguna, Philippines. abstract pay-pdf (published online 16, July 2021) |
99-115 | Abdul Haq, M., Shahzad, S., Qamarunnis, S., Lodhi, A. M. | Some zoosporic fungi of the district Bajaur, with nine new records from Pakistan. abstract pay-pdf (published online 30, July 2021) |
117-121 | Breuss, O. | New finds of pyrenocarpous lichens (lichenisizes Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) (in German). pdf-open access (published online 6, August 2021) |
123-153 | Vila, J., Noordeloos, M. E., Reschke, K., Moreau, P.-A., Battistin, E., Ribes, M. Á., Marulli, U., Corriol, G., Polemis, E., Loizides, M., Dima B. | New species of the genus Entoloma (Basidiomycota, Agaricales) from Southern Europe. pdf-open access (published online 7, November 2021) |
155-170 | Peer, A., Breuss, O. | Die Flechten des Hernalser Friedhofs (Wien, Österreich) ‒ Eine qualitative Erhebung der Flechtenflora pdf-open access (published online 17, November 2021) |
171-175 | Breuss, O., Türk, R. | Involucropyrenium altimontanum (Verrucariaceae) ‒ eine neue Flechtenart aus den Hohen Tauern (Österreich). pdf-open access (published online 19, November 2021) |
177-181 | Krishnaraj, S., Soman, J., Subramanian, S. | Analysis of reusable substrate containers for oyster mushroom cultivation (Pleurotus ostreatus “f. florida”). abstract pay-pdf (published online 17, February 2022) |
183-191 | Klofac,W. | Purpurbrauner Filzröhrling, Xerocomus silwoodensis, und Uferrotfüßchen, Xerocomellus ripariellus, in Österreich; ein Beitrag zu typischen und untypischen Röhrlingsfunden. pdf-open (published online 25, April 2022) |
193-202 | Garza, F. O., Quiñónez M. M., Guevara, G. G., Carrillo-Parra, A., De La Fuente, J. I., García, J. J. | Growth responses of Quercus fusiformis (Fagaceae) to ectomycorrhizal inoculation with Boletus luridellus. pdf-open access (published online 29, April 2022) |
203-206 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa, Buchbesprechung, Hinweise für die Autoren | |
207 | Contents/Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Issue 30 (2021, 2024) (€ 30,-)
1-6 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Coprinopsis shefaensis from Vanuatu and Coprinopsis coccineopunctata from Mauritius, two new tropical Coprini with red colours. pdf-open access (published online 25, May 2022) |
7-10 | Acar, İ., Uzun, Y. | Stictis bengalensis (Stictidaceae, Ostropales) – A new addition to fungal genera and species for Turkey. abstract pay-pdf (published online 27, May 2022) |
11-21 | Breuss, O. | Bemerkenswerte Flechtenfunde aus Österreich. pdf-open access (published online 13, June 2022) |
23-38 | Oschatz, M.-L., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Pilzduft- und Pilzgeruchsfamilien, eine Klassifikation für Pilzgerüche. pdf-open access (published online 4, August 2022) |
39-42 | Breuss, O. | A new Canoparmelia species (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae) from the Azores. pdf-open access (published online 4, August 2022) |
43-47 | Breuss, O., Berger, F. | A new Staurothele species (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Spain. pdf-open access (published online 4, August 2022) |
49-58 | Klofac, W., Brandstätter, R., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Tricholoma eosinobasis, ein relativ seltener Ritterling, der auch in Österreich vorkommt. pdf-open access (published online 15, November 2022) |
59-65 | Yazıcı, K., Aslan, A. | Anema decipiens, Lecanora stenotropa and Rinodina polysporoides – three new lichen records for Turkey and Asia abstract pay-pdf (published online 15, November 2022) |
67-92 | Hakkou, S., Sabir, M., Machouri, N. | Revue sur la répartition géographique des truffes à l’échelle mondiale. Review on the geographical distribution of truffles on a global scale. abstract pay-pdf (published online 1, January 2023) |
93-121 | Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Suillus moseri, sp. nov. – Ein Beitrag zur Klärung von Suillus nueschii (nom. inval.). pdf-open access (published online 19, February 2023) |
123-131 | Breuss, O. | Flechten aus Bolivien, gesammelt 1927 von José Steinbach. pdf-open access (published online 24, March 2023) |
133-143 | Breuss, O. | Liste der Flechten Nicaraguas. pdf-open access (published online 24, March 2023) |
145-150 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Stropharia melanospermoides, spec. nova (Strophariaceae). pdf-open access (published online 7, January 2024) |
151-197 | Hausknecht, A., Hausknecht, I. | Mykologische Eindrücke aus Ländern außerhalb Europas 1: Neuseeland. abstract pay-pdf (published online 25, April 2024) |
199-206 | In diesem Heft vorgeschlagene neue Taxa, Buchbesprechungen, Hinweise für die Autoren | Buchbesprechungen pdf-open access (published online 5, July 2023; 21, November 2023) |
207 | Contents/Inhaltsverzeichnis |
Issue 31 (2022, 2024) (€ 30,-)
1-20 | Berger, F., Breuss, O. | New and remarkable lichen finds in Burgenland (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
7-37 | Berger, F., Zimmermann, E. | Further records of lichenicolous fungi in Burgenland (Austria). abstract pay-pdf (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
11-62 | Berger, F., Breuss, O., Lőkös, L. | Lichen checklist of Burgenland (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
23-71 | Breuss, O., Traun, G. | Lichens in the Pötzleinsdorfer Schlosspark in Vienna (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 22, December 2023) (in German) |
73-79 | Yazıcı, K., Aptroot, A., Aslan, A., | Circinaria scabridula, Sarcogyne arenosa and Sarcogyne algoviae – Three rare new lichen records for Turkey and Asia. abstract pay-pdf (published online 28, December 2023) |
81-87 | Plsek, K., Klofac, W., Krisai-Greilhuber, I., Friebes, G. | 100 Jahre Österreichische Mykologische Gesellschaft. abstract pay-pdf (published online 28, December 2023) (in German) |
89-97 | Acar, İ., Kalmer, A., Dizkirici, A. | Confirmation of Hebeloma salicicola (Basidiomycota) from Türkiye. abstract pay-pdf (published online 3, January 2024) |
99-104 | Breuss, O. | A new Polyblastia species (lichenized Ascomycota, Verrucariaceae) from Slovenia. pdf-open access (published online 11, February 2024) |
105-148 | Hausknecht, A., Hausknecht, I. | Mykologische Eindrücke aus Ländern außerhalb Europas 2: Ozeanien – Cook Islands, Fidschi, Vanuatu. abstract pay-pdf (published online 4, May 2024) |
149-168 | Berger, F. Türk, R. | Erstnachweise und weitere erwähnenswerte Arten von Flechten und lichenicolen Pilzen aus verschiedenen österreichischen Bundesländern pdf-open access (published online 5, August 2024) |
169-176 | Stephenson, S. L., Rollins, A.W., Schnittler, M., Moreno, G., Villaba, A. L. | First records of nivicolous myxomycetes from the central Appalachian Mountains, eastern North America. abstract pay-pdf (published online 5, September 2024) |
177-182 | Breuss, O. | Lichens in the park cemetary Sankt Marx in Vienna (Austria). pdf-open access (published online 6, September 2024)(in German) |
183-187 | Yazici, K., Engin, T. A. | Parabagliettoa disjuncta and Rinodina parvula – two new lichen species for Türkiye and Asia. abstract pay-pdf (published online 19, November 2024) |
189-197 | Berger, F., Breuss, O. | 70 in one go – Lichen inventory of a fir tree in the Dürrenstein Wilderness Area (Lower Austria). pdf-open access (published online 17, December 2024) (in German) |
199 | New taxa proposed in this issue, Instructions to Authors | |
201 | Contents |
Current Issue 32 („2023“, 2025)(€ 30,-)
Issue 32 (2023, 2025) (€ 30,-)
1-7 | Hausknecht, A., Krisai-Greilhuber, I. | Cyptotrama borbonica Hauskn. & Krisai, spec. nova (Physalacriaceae). pdf-open access (published online 8, January 2025) |
work in progress | ||
Almost all pdfs of the Austrian Journal of Mycology can be found here.