Instructions to Authors

The Austrian Journal of Mycology will publish original papers on systematics, phylogeny, morphol­ogy, anatomy, ecology, and distribution of fungi (including lichens). Papers should be sent electronically to the Editor: Dr I. Krisai-Greilhuber, Email:, Rennweg 14, A-1030 Wien, Austria. The manuscripts will be reviewed by the redaction and additional referees.

Manuscripts may be written in English, German, or French. They will be published in chronologi­cal order according to their acceptance. The title should be brief and concise. Full names and addresses of the authors have to be given on the first page. The manuscript has to include a few key words, an abstract in English and a summary in German (can be added by the editor) or French.

In the text, the hierarchy of subdivisions must be clearly apparent: headings in boldface, double – (spacing 3 pt) or single-spaced, as first words of paragraphs bold or double-spaced. Exact details on the origin, identification and deposition of the material investigated must be included. Herbaria have to be quoted according to the latest edition of the „Index Herbariorum“. Scientific names should be in ac­cordance with the international code of nomenclature. At least once in the manuscript the taxa should be given with their authorities. Manuscripts should be double-spaced with a broad margin. The abstract, sum­mary, key words, material and methods, collections examined, acknowledgements, references, figure legends, and tables will be printed in small letters. Literature citations in the text will appear in small capitals: Singer (1964), Kühner & Romagnesi (1975), when more than two authors: Smith & al. (1982).

Abbreviations and measurement units should be generally understood and conform to interna­tional usage. Non-Latin alphabets have to be transliterated following the rules of the ISO (Interna­tional Standard Organization). Illustrations and tables should be submitted as separate files. They should be numbered in Arabic numerals. Printing area is 13 × 20 cm.. Line drawings should be neatly made in black ink on white or transparent paper. If ever possible, illustrations should be combined to a plate, using the entire print area. A scale has to be included in each illustration. Legends should be written on a sep­arate page. Illustrations may also be submitted electronically: the minimum resolution required is 600 dots per inch. Some coloured illustrations will be published yearly free of charge.

References at the end of the paper should be given in alphabetical order under the surnames of the authors. If several of an author’s publications are referred to, these should be listed chronologically and publications from the same year marked by small letters (1992 a, b). References should conform to the following:

Kornerup, A., Wanscher, J. H., 1975: Taschenlexikon der Farben, 2. Aufl. – Zürich, Göttingen: Muster-Schmidt.

Ajay, K. G., 2014: Diversity of fungal endophytes in some medicinal plants of Himachal Pradesh, India. – Arch. Phytopath. Pl. Protect. 47: 537–544.

Arnolds, E., 2005: 2. Conocybe Fay. – In Noordeloos, M. E., Kuyper, T. W. , Vellinga, E. C. (Eds): Flora Agaricina Neerlandica 6. Bolbitiaceae (Bolbitius, Conocybe, Pholiotina, Agrocybe) and Coprinaceae (I): the genus Coprinus, pp. 120–179. – Boca Raton, London, New York, Singapore: Taylor & Francis.

Abbreviations should be in accordance with the Botanico-Periodicum-Huntianum (and Supplement).

The final version of your manuscript is required as an email attachment, preferably in Microsoft Word.

Galley proofs will be sent to the author electronically or with ordinary mail. They should be checked and returned to the redaction within due course. For each paper  a pdf will be supplied free of charge. Open access and hard copy reprints can be ordered at cost.


By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright for their paper is transferred to the Austrian Mycologi­cal Society. All forms of reproduction of text, figures or tables out of this journal are prohibited without permission from the publisher.

Find the pdf version of the instructions here.